Rent to own homes in NC can be a great option for those who are looking to own their own home but have little or no credit history. Browse our North Carolina free rent to own listings to find your new home.
Rent to own homes are a good way to get your foot in the door of homeownership and build up your credit score while saving money. You can rent-to-own a house in North Carolina with as little as $500 down payment, and pay off the rest of the purchase price over time.
Featured Rent To Own Homes NC Free Listings
Rent To Own Homes in NC
There are many rent to own homes in NC. Let’s narrow down your search. Browse our rent to own free listings to see what’s available. You can also view our featured listings, which are homes that have been handpicked by our team as the best of the best in North Carolina. If you don’t find a property that you like, check back often because we add new homes all the time. To start, please choose your preferred city.
North Carolina Cities with Rent to Own Homes
North Carolina Counties Rent To Own Homes
If you’re looking for rent-to-own homes in North Carolina, there are several counties that have a high number of these properties available. The most popular counties for rent-to-own homes include: Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg County has the highest number of rent to own properties in North Carolina. There are more than 1,000 homes available.
Here are some of the best rent-to-own opportunities in Pennsylvania:
Rent To Own or Buy A House in NC?
If you’re looking to buy a home in North Carolina, there are many different options available. You can choose from traditional mortgages or rent to own homes. It’s important to consider your financial situation and long-term goals before making a final decision.
If you are interested in a traditional mortgage, it will be important to research your credit score and determine if you have enough cash for a down payment. If not, there are other options available including FHA loans and VA mortgages which require smaller down payments.
If you’re looking to buy a home without a mortgage, then rent-to-own homes are the perfect alternative. They offer the opportunity to live in your own home without making monthly mortgage payments.
In addition to being an affordable option for home buyers, rent to own homes in North Carolina can also be a good way to get into the market without having a large down payment. The average cost of buying a house in 2021 is $300,000 nationwide, with the median price being $238,600.
Rent To Own Homes in NC – How Does It Work?
The rent-to-own process can vary from place to place, but in general it involves renting a home for a certain period of time and then purchasing the property at an agreed upon price. This type of housing is often used by those who are unable to qualify for traditional financing due to poor credit or limited income. When you rent-to-own, you typically pay more than what your monthly mortgage would be if you were buying the home normally.
The rent-to-own process is also ideal for those who want to live in a home they like but don’t have the money to purchase it outright. Rent-to-own agreements are typically structured as lease-options, which give you the right (but not obligation) to buy the property later down the road if you so choose.
Why Rent To Own In NC?
There are a few reasons why rent to own is becoming popular in the state of North Carolina. For one, it allows you to take advantage of rising home prices without having to come up with a down payment and other closing costs. It’s also an option for those who may not be able to qualify for traditional financing due to poor credit or limited income.
In addition, rent to own allows you to test out a neighborhood and see if it’s somewhere you want to live. If so, you can purchase the home later on down the line if you choose.
Check all properties from rent to own homes free listings.