Utility patent applications
A regular non-provisional patent application, also called a utility patent application, is examined by the USPTO and can lead to an issued patent. The invention must be new, useful and nonobvious. A utility patent application can claim benefit of the filing date of a provisional patent application if the provisional application fully describes the invention later described in the utility patent application.
As a utility patent application has a required formal format and contains claims which define the extent of your invention, it is recommended to utilize a patent professional when preparing and filing a utility patent application as described in https://www.jpost.com/Special-Content/Get-Your-Invention-Off-the-Ground-with-the-Support-of-InventHelp-624132. A utility patent is valid for 20 years from the filing date of the application.
A reasonably priced law firm charges approximately $3500 (plus USPTO filing fee of $385 for a small entity) for the preparation of a basic patent application, including drafting claims. More complicated inventions will require additional work, which should be be discussed before the attorney begins drafting your utility patent application. A fair patent law firm, and any patent drafting company, should always discuss additional costs before they arise.
Design patent applications
A design patent application is used for a new, useful, and ornamental or aesthetic article of manufacture. A design patent application contains a set of drawings that show your invention from all sides. Unlike a utility patent application, which relies upon a written description and claim to define the invention, a design patent application focuses more on drawings to describe the scope and features of an invention. A design patent is issued for the design itself, not for any features or benefits described by the drawings. A design patent is valid for 14 years from the date of issue of the patent.
An average cost for a basic design patent costs approximately $800 (plus $170 USPTO filing fee for a small entity) for the preparation and filing of a basic design patent application. A design patent application includes drawings that show all ornamental aspects of the invention, which is usually six drawings (four side views, along with top and bottom views). Usually, if you cannot provide the necessary drawings, the patenting agency can arrange to have the drawings prepared for you as you can see from https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/03/inventhelp-the-way-forward-for-new-inventors/ article.
Plant patent applications
A plant application is similar to a utility patent application, except that it is for asexually reproducible plants. These include plants that reproduce by root cuttings, grafting, rhizomes, bulbs and other methods. A plant patent application requires that the application must contain a complete botanical description of the plant and characteristics that distinguish it from known plants already existing. A plant application is valid for 20 years from the filing date of the application.